Here's My 2023 Guide To Hooks & Headlines. It's Free... Enjoy!

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Here's My 2023 Guide To Hooks & Headlines. It's Free... Enjoy!

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Start Using SMS

The ultimate guide to using SMS to follow up with home improvement leads

January 09, 2023ā€¢5 min read

Sick of chasing leads? Let automation do the work for you with SMS marketing

Are you tired of wasting time and energy chasing leads that never seem to pan out?

It's time to put an end to the frustration and let automation do the work for you with SMS marketing. By using automated SMS campaigns, you can effortlessly reach out to leads at scale and drastically improve your chances of turning them into paying customers.

In this step by step guide, we'll show you exactly how to set up and optimize SMS marketing for your home improvement business. Whether you're just getting started with SMS or you're looking to take your lead follow-up to the next level, this guide has everything you need to succeed.

So, if you're ready to stop chasing leads and start closing more deals, keep reading!

Step 1: Choose a SMS marketing platform that meets your business needs. There are many options available, so it's important to do your research and select a platform that is reliable and easy to use.

  1. Leadcentre - This is our plaform. SMS forms part of our solution

  2. Twilio: Twilio is a popular cloud communications platform that allows businesses to send and receive SMS messages. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to send messages at scale, track delivery and engagement, and integrate with other business tools.

  3. Nexmo: Nexmo is another popular SMS marketing platform that provides a range of features for businesses, including the ability to send personalized messages, track delivery and engagement, and integrate with other systems.

Step 2: Set up your account on the chosen SMS marketing platform and create a list of phone numbers for your leads. You can import an existing list or manually enter the numbers. If you are importing, be sure you have permission to text.

Step 3: Write a series of SMS messages that will be sent to your leads. These should be personalized and provide value to the recipient. For example, you could include information about your services, special offers, or helpful tips related to home improvement.

Here are two examples of SMS messages you could use to start a conversation or book an appointment with a new lead:

  1. "Hi there! Thanks for expressing interest in our home improvement services. Can we schedule a call to discuss your project in more detail and see how we can help? Just let us know a few dates and times that work for you."

  2. "Hi! We're excited to chat with you about your home improvement project. Are you available for a virtual consultation this week? Just let us know a few dates and times that work for you and we'll schedule a call."

Both of these messages are friendly and personalised, and they provide an opportunity for the lead to take the next step and schedule an appointment. It's important to be clear and concise in your SMS messages and make it easy for the recipient to respond and take action.

Step 4: Set up an automated SMS campaign to send your messages to leads at a specific time or trigger. This could be based on their sign-up date, their location, or other criteria.

Usually, this first text goes out within 30 seconds of the lead coming into your website or CRM.

Step 5: Test your SMS campaign to ensure that it is working properly and the messages are being delivered as intended.

Step 6: Monitor the results of your SMS campaign and adjust your strategy as needed. This may include testing different messages or adjusting the timing of your messages to see what works best.

Keep a log of how many people response to your messages or schedule with you. Then you know what works best.

Step 7: Use SMS marketing to nurture your leads and turn them into paying customers. This could include sending reminders about upcoming appointments, requesting feedback, or offering special promotions.

One example of how you could use SMS marketing to nurture your leads and turn them into paying customers is by sending reminders about upcoming appointments.

For example, if you have scheduled a consultation or site visit with a lead, you could send a reminder message a few days in advance to confirm the details and ensure that they are still available.

This can help to reduce no-shows and ensure that your leads are engaged and interested in your services.

You could also use SMS marketing to request feedback from your leads after an appointment or project completion.

This can help to gather valuable insights and improve your services, as well as build trust and credibility with your leads.

Another option is to use SMS marketing to offer special promotions or discounts to your leads. This can help to incentivise them to take action and become paying customers.

For example, you could send a message offering a limited-time discount on your services to leads who have expressed interest but have not yet booked an appointment.

Overall, the key is to use SMS marketing to stay top-of-mind with your leads and provide value that will encourage them to take action and become paying customers.


To start using automated SMS to follow up with new leads, a home improvement business should :

  1. Choose a SMS marketing platform that meets your business needs

  2. Set up your account on the chosen SMS marketing platform and create a list of phone numbers for your leads

  3. Write a series of personalized SMS messages that provide value to the recipient

  4. Set up an automated SMS campaign to send messages to leads at a specific time or trigger

  5. Test the SMS campaign to ensure proper delivery

  6. Monitor the results of the SMS campaign and adjust the strategy as needed

  7. Use SMS marketing to nurture leads and turn them into paying customers by sending reminders, requesting feedback, or offering promotions.

Hi business owner šŸ‘‹

Whenever you are ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. If you are looking for a way to manage leads, open conversation faster and close more deals iā€™d recommend asking us about our marketing automation suite, LeadCentre.

  2. If you need to generate leads or improve your lead generation systems, yu cn speak to us about our marketing packages. All these packages include our LeadCentre software.

Here to help

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Ben Collins

I have worked in the small business marketing industry for closing on 10 years now and have a broad knowledge specifically around lead generation including websites, landing pages, page ads, and marketing automation. I have worked across 30+ industries but now focus all my attention on the home improvement space where access to quality services is sadly lacking. If you would like to contact me you can find me on LinkedIn or email me at

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Here's My 2023 Guide To Hooks & Headlines. It's Free... Enjoy!

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